College decisions during a virus infested year

by Zoë Waechter ‘21

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The pandemic has affected everyone in our community, and seniors’ college searches have been especially different this year, with travel restrictions, less in-person tours, and campuses being closed

“How was your college decision affected by Covid-19?” This was the question that this year’s seniors were asked to reflect on.

Seniors recounted their varied experiences in applying to college and deciding where they're going to end up. Caroline Hyde, a Catlin Gabel (CG) senior, was able to visit some schools pre-pandemic and also this year with Covid restrictions. She emphasised the difference that Covid had on her tours– 

“It’s difficult to tour during the pandemic because everything looks dead and barren, giving you no sense of the types of people, atmosphere, classes, or clubs at that school.”

Michael Putz, another CG senior, talked about his hesitation to choose a college far away.

“Those places, I’m sure, would have been a lot more interesting if I would have been able to visit them in person and I would have been able to (a lot more) think of myself going further away from the Portland, Oregon, or Washington area.” 

Without having the chance to visit campuses in person, Putz had to rely on the online resources (tours, information sessions, etc.) that the colleges provided.

Besides his reluctance to commit to a distant school without the ability to visit, Putz also thought that the lack of in person visits minimized the individuality of each college. 

“Without being able to visit, and all we were getting virtual tours and info sessions, all of them sounded the exact same.” 

Sydney Straw, CG senior, on the other hand, thought Covid played a minimal role. Straw committed early decision to a college she hadn’t visited.

“I chose the one I hadn't visited which was pretty scary for me because I felt like I know less about it and I keep worrying that I will somehow not like it once I get there. But in the end I chose to apply to the school that sounded like the school that I wanted to go to the most even though I had never actually been to the campus.”

She continues, saying, “Even though I know that going to the campus can help you know if it feels like a good fit I think that is only one small part of the college decision process.” 

In an anonymous survey of 9, a CG senior also said that the lack of in person contact with the college was difficult.

“Most schools don’t have in person tours which makes getting some information and the student experience harder.”

They went on to say that the online resources were actually helpful during their research.

“There have also been a lot of online stuff to make up for which made the earlier part of the process much easier as well as getting quick information for a school that I don’t necessarily want to spend the money on to go see.”

On the survey, seniors reported that 33.3% of them had been able to visit all of their top colleges and 66.7% had been able to visit some, but not all.

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They also responded to the question of how the lack of visiting opportunities affected their decision.

One student says, “I have more anxiety about making the right choice- if I haven't been able to experience the setting or the area around the school, I can't be 100% sure that I won't dislike it or be uncomfortable there.”

Another comments, “I wish I could see how students interact with each other.”

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From college decisions, to missing dances, trips and other activities, the senior year experience has been dampened this year, but no matter your experience, congratulations to the seniors who have committed so far. You did it!