Reopening clubs after COVID quarantine with the return of the SAFE club

By Al Rivers ‘25 

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SAFE (Students and Friends for Equality) club, is looking to create a welcoming space for LGBTQIA + students and allies at Catlin Gabel School (CGS).

Many students showed up to the Clubs Fair and students were excited to join many different clubs. One club that had many registrations was the SAFE- Students And Friends for Equality club.

The SAFE club has struggled with retaining members during COVID, recently merging with the AQE/Rainbow affinity group and are looking forward to bright things. They are also excited to continue SAFE's legacy here at CGS and host events like movie screenings, affinity meetings, and more.

"It's a wonderful thing to be able to create that experience for other kids,” said CGS junior Jane Zeigler. 

Zeigler said the club fair went well since the club leaders got to see so many different people looking for clubs to show their passions.

"It was nice to see people's faces and talk to people I haven't talked to much before." 

The SAFE club has existed for a long time and has survived through the pandemic. In the past, SAFE has organized events for students who identify as LGBTQIA+ and allies or invited other schools on campus for summit days.

SAFE also advocates for the CGS LGBTQIA+ community and the greater Portland area LGBTQIA+ community as well. It's an excellent resource for any LGBTQIA+ students on campus. 

This year's biggest goal for SAFE is to provide a place for LGBTQIA+ students and allies to assemble and build relationships. For many people COVID made it hard to socialize with new people and create connections. 

"I think clubs are essential to build community and get students involved in things that they care about." Zeigler shared.

This year that community has returned; unlike before, we can be face to face and not online. Feel free to reach out to SAFE if you are interested in joining by email Jane Zeigler at